Niveau avancé

de William Shakespeare


Le père de Hamlet est mort dans d’étranges circonstances. Sa mère est remariée au bout de quelques semaines. Lorsque Hamlet rencontre le fantôme de son père défunt, il apprend que le nouveau mari de sa mère est le meurtrier de son père.
Mais peut-il faire confiance à un fantôme…? Il est coincé entre sa haine pour son nouveau beau-père et son amour pour sa mère. Les seules personnes en qui il a confiance sont les Joueurs: une troupe d’acteurs dont l’art consiste à jouer des scènes qui ne sont pas réelles…


Le résumé de cette pièce fascinante par le White Horse Theatre se concentre sur le personnage de Hamlet, et sur la troublante modernité de cette histoire, histoire d’un jeune homme, désorienté et sensible, luttant pour trouver un sens à un monde qui n’est que honte et déception.



Photos de 'Hamlet'



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Hamlet'

Hamlet: To be, or not to be that is the question;
Wether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune;
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep –
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartaches and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished...

by Peter Griffith

based on a novel by Charlotte Brontë


After years of being bullied and victimised, Jane begins her first job, and falls in love with her employer. But can she trust him? And what are the terrifying screams coming from the attic?


A new dramatisation of Charlotte Brontë´s masterpiece, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the famous author´s birth.



Photos of 'Jane Eyre'



Extract from the script 'Jane Eyre'

 Grace: Good morning Miss Eyre.
 Jane: Good morning Mrs Poole – er... Mrs Poole -
 Grace: Yes, miss?
 Jane: Last night's accident - did Mr Rochester wake nobody? Did no-one hear anything?
 Grace: Not that I've heard of. The other servants sleep so far off, miss, that they wouldn't have heard anything. Mrs Fairfax's room and yours are nearest to the master's. Mrs Fairfax says she heard nothing. Did you hear any noise?
 Jane: Yes – I heard someone laughing.
 Grace: Laughing, miss? It would hardly likely to be the master, would it, miss? Not when he was in danger. Perhaps you dreamed it.
 Jane: It was no dream, Mrs Poole.
 Grace: No miss? You didn't think to open the door and look out on the gallery?
 Jane: I did but there was no-one there.
 Grace: You might do better to keep it shut, miss, and bolted. We've never had any robbers in as yet – It's a quiet enough neighbourhood as any – but there's always a first time for everything. Now, it's time for the servants' breakfast. I've got my pint of porter and a bit of pudding – I'll take them up to my sewing-room. I shan't want for more.

de Philip Ridley


En apparence, Steven a tout: une belle femme, une entreprise qui réussit, une toute nouvelle maison. Mais sous ce masque scintillant se cache un monstrueux secret.


Cette fascinante nouvelle pièce, très acclamée de Philip Ridley, fut présentée pour la première fois au Soho Theater, à Londres, en mai 2007. Le White Horse Theatre propose cette pièce pour la première fois en France.



Photos de 'Leaves of Glass'



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Leaves of Glass'

Barry: You've always known how to make money, ain't you, brov.
Steven: ...I've worked hard, yes.
Barry: I know you feel it.
Steven: Feel what?
Barry: Fuck, Steve, it's about time. That's what I'm saying.
Steven: I don't know what you –
Barry: We've got to talk about it.
Steven: About what?
Barry: Jesus, Steve, don't.
Steven: Every time you fuck up you give me this...this...Like it's my fault.
Barry: Do you think it's your fault?