de Peter Griffith


Maman a envoyé Monica jouer dans le jardin. Mais c´est embêtant, le jardin: pas d´ordinateur, pas de tablette, ni di téléphone! Quel ennui! Or, voilà que Monica entend un bruit étrange... et Goggie apparaît!


Goggie emmène Monica sur la Lune, au fond de la mer, en Afrique, et même au Pôle Nord! Cette pièce très divertissante met la langue anglaise à la portée des enfants, et leur fait découvrir le pouvoir de l´imagination. Toi aussi, tu peux t´envoler pour aller où tu veux!



Fotos de 'Googgie'


Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Goggie'

 Monica: (a stick emerges from the crate and pokes Monica) Ow! What is that? Is there something behind this box? (Monica explores behind the box) No. There is nothing there. (Monica sits again. A hand comes out of the box and taps her on the shoulder) Hey! What is that? Is there something inside this box? Is there?
 Audience: Audience: Yes.
 Monica: (The knocking and answering is repeated a few times) What can it be? What do you think it is? (Monica takes a stick and uses it as a gun) All right, I know you are in there. Come out... with your hands up! (a white flag comes out of the crate and waves) It looks friendly. Ah... here is the lid. I open the lid – and what do I see? (Monica opens the lid. Goggie enters from the box)