de Peter Griffith


Gary Walker, la pop star connue dans le monde entier, va donner un concert à Glasgow. Liz et Janice sont des fans, et elles ne veulent pas manquer ce concert. Alors elles décident de ne pas aller à l’école et font du stop pour aller à Glasgow.
Quels difficultés et dangers Liz et Janice rencontreront-elles en chemin? Arriveront-elles à l’heure au concert? Et qu’arrivera-t-il lorsque les filles seront enfin face à face avec leur idole?


Photos de 'We Love Gary'



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'We Love Gary'

Liz: Oh Janice, he’s wonderful.
Janice: Yeah.
Liz: He’s so handsome.
Janice: I think he looks a bit old, when you are near to him.
Liz: What are you talking about? He’s beautiful. His eyes…and how he moves…and his voice…oh, I can’t wait till his next concert.
Janice: His next concert? But it’s in Glasgow.
Liz: I want to be there. We can go, can’t we?
Janice: But it’s miles away.
Liz: We can go there. Come on…we can go by train.
Janice: A train ticket is too expensive. We haven’t got enough money.
Liz: Janice – I want to go to all of his concerts. I want to always be there, near him, when he sings.
Janice: I think you’re mad.
Liz: Oh come on Janice! I love him! Hey, I know how we can go there...