de Harold Pinter


Une pièce profondément troublante écrite par le prix Nobel 2005, l’auteur dramatique Harold Pinter. La pièce étudie le réseau de mensonges et de trahisons entre 3 personnages émotionnellement liés. Leurs conversations, précises et éparses, comme dans toutes les œuvres de Pinter, servent à nous montrer comment nous utilisons la langue pour supprimer les sentiments et masquer les vérités.
Une introduction fascinante au monde de Pinter – un monde à la fois sans merci et ironique, poétique et choquant…




Photos de 'Betrayal'



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Betrayal'

Jerry: And she told you…last night…about her and me. Did she not?
Robert: No, she didnt. She didn’t tell me about you and her last night. She told me about you and her for years ago. (Pause.) So she didnt have to tell me again last night. Because I knew. And she knew I knew because she told me herself four years ago. (Silence.)
Jerry: What?
Robert: I think I will sit down. (He sits.) I thought you knew.
Jerry: Knew what?
Robert: That I knew. That I’ve known for years. I thought you knew that.
Jerry: You thought I knew?
Robert: She said you didn’t. But I didn’t believe that. (Pause.) Anyway I think I thought you knew. But you say you didn’t?
Jerry: She told you…when?
Robert: Well, I found out. That’s what happened. I told her I’d found out and then she…confirmed…the facts.