ist John Godbers lustige Darstellung des britischen Schullebens der 80-ziger Jahre, von rebellischen Schülern bis zu desillusionierten Lehrern.

Eine Gruppe unmotivierter SchülerInnen wird von dem neuen Schauspiellehrer zu einem Theaterstück angeregt und bringt ihre tägliche Schulrealität auf die Bühne, vom schlimmsten Schläger der Schule bis zum lockersten Flittchen.



Fotos von 'Teechers'



Textauszug aus 'Teechers'

 Hobby: When you´re a hardnut and fifteen you always have to give teachers a bad time. It´s part of the game... And when there´s a new teacher you can be even tougher. In our class we had seen off three tutors in as many weeks.
 Gail: Miss Bell had a breakdown, but said she was pregnant.
 Hobby: Then we had a supply teacher who was always crying...
 Gail: And then they sent old Mr. Willcox who was deaf so that was a laugh, we used to say anything to him.
 Hobby And now they´ve send us a new teacher. A brand-new, sparkling clean, not even out of the box teacher.
 Teacher A: They´re only  going to be in school for two more terms... Send them the new bloke Nixon... He can cut his  teeth on Eleven.Y.Y, down in Nine.I.B.... It´s out of the way - if they eat him or burn him alive we can forget about him.