by Peter Griffith


Ravi has crossed the world to find a new home, away from the horror and bloodshed of war-torn Syria. Acquiring asylum in Great Britain is difficult enough. But when Ravi is finally accepted as a refugee, his problems really start. He and his mother are accomodated on a run-down estate on the outskirts of one of England’s big cities – an estate dominated by a racist gang…


The accompanying Teachers' Pack contains information about racism, including material from the Refugee Council, an organisation which helps immigrants and refugees in Great Britain.


Photos of 'Promised Land'



Extract from the script 'Promised Land'

Ravi: Hi…I’ve just moved in here.
Jaz: Well you’d better just move out again, hadn’t you?
Ravi: What do you mean?
Fiz: This is Gough Street. This is our patch.
Snoz: And we don’t like people like you.
Ravi: But…you don’t know me.
Jaz: We don’t want to know you, kid.
Fiz: Where are you from?
Ravi: I’m from Syria.
Snoz: Never heard of it. Where’s that?
Ravi: It’s to the south of Turkey.
Jaz: Well you can just get back to Pingy Pongy or wherever it is. Because we don’t want you here.
Ravi: But I live here. This is my home.
Fiz: Wrong. This is our home.
Snoz: We live here.
Jaz: And there’s no room for you – foreigner!